Editors: MIAO Jiang 妙江, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇, KUAN Guang 寬廣 and FO Hu 佛護
ISBN: 978-981-14-5714-2
Date of Publication: 2020-05-01Pages: 496
Yiseng yisu, zi nei ji wai: Dongya da shiye xia de Fojiao yu jiaoyu guoji yantaohui lunwen ji 亦僧亦俗、自內及外:東亞大視野下的佛教與教育國際研討會論文集 [Between the Sacred & the Secular, from the Internal to the External: Proceedings for the Conference on Buddhism & Education in the Pan-East Asian Context]. Wutaishan Dongfang Fojiao Wenhua Yanjiuyuan shuxi 五台山東方佛教文化研究院書系 [Wutai Research Institute for Eastern Buddhist Culture Series] II. Co-edited by MIAO Jiang 妙江, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇, KUAN Guang 寬廣 and FO Hu 佛護, 2020.
Buddhist education is one of the major reasons why Buddhism has spread for millennia and has maintained its enduring vitality. In order to recapture the unique role of Buddhist education in the transmission of civilization within the larger East Asian perspective, the International Buddhist Studies Conference entitled ‘Both Monks and Laymen, From Buddhism Within to Beyond Buddhism: Buddhism and Education in the Greater East Asian Perspective’ was held on Wutai Mountain, Shanxi Province, China, from June 3 to 5, 2019.
This collection of papers is part of the research outcomes of the conference. The papers in this book can be divided into three chapters chronologically: studies on ancient, modern, and contemporary Buddhist education, with the ancient period concluding with the establishment of the Republic of China in 1912, the contemporary period beginning with the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, and the modern period located in between. The three chapters contain seven, eight, and six papers respectively, which demonstrate the latest developments in research on Buddhist education worldwide.
序一 《名山大寺:中國神聖空間》叢書總序
陳金華序二 《名山大寺研究系列》第四冊:《僊堂山與法顯文化:漢僧法顯(337-422)其生平與遺產國際研討會論文集》序
1.1. 從法顯的“五天竺”到玄奘的“五印度”
薛克翹1.2. 法顯和玄奘所見外道之比較
嚴耀中1.3. 法顯遊記之中所記錄的阿耨羅陀補羅
金惠瑗(Haewon Kim)1.4. “請還坐”:法顯的記述和首尊佛像的相關傳說
尼古拉斯·瑞威(Nicolas Revire)1.5. “眾食”、“客僧”暨“四方僧房”——法顯所見之西域僧侶食宿風習
張 勇(子開)二.法顯與中土佛教
2.1. “罽賓禪師”與“南國律學道士”:法顯回國後的一段行蹤
王邦維2.2. 法顯登廬峰會慧遠考
陳金華2.3. 法顯“南下向都”史事鉤沉——兼論4-5 世紀南北佛教律典傳譯與僧團興替之關係
劉學軍2.4. 法顯與劉裕集團:東晉十六國佛教與社會網絡
劉苑如2.5. 法顯:東亞他域游方朝聖僧典範的確立?
紀 贇2.6. 法顯在佛教中國化進程中的影響
3.1. 法顯和“變文”的意義:其傳記對中國研究的價值
巴瑞特(T. H. Barrett)3.2. 日本別樣的偉大中國三藏法師:日本古寫經中作為譯經僧和求法僧的法顯
紀 强(George A. Keyworth)3.3. 《法顯傳》的文獻學的硏究
林祥姬(Lim Sang-hee)3.4. 《大般涅槃經》(Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra, T no. 7)是否由“法顯”所譯?計算機協助譯人勘定
何書群(Michael Radich)3.5. 日本石山寺藏《法顯傳》寫本研究
邵天松3.6. 法顯記錄中的經行(Caṅkrama)
金玟求(Minku Kim)3.7. 法顯研究之六:求法高僧在北天竺攀岩走壁的绝技論梵文śaṅkupatha 與法顯的“傍梯”以及曇無竭和玄奘的“杙”
4.1. 大眾與大乘——法顯與《摩訶僧祇律》的翻譯辨析
湛 如4.2. 《法顯傳》中“夏坐”記載特點及其原因分析
何方耀4.3. 祇洹寺踞食之諍再考
陳志遠4.4. 從法顯生平管窺晉宋之際中國佛教戒律的實踐與流傳
張雪松4.5. 法顯譯《摩訶僧祇律》研究述評以及幾點再思考
吳蔚琳4.6. 中古西行求法僧與彌勒信仰的傳播——以法顯、玄奘為中心的考察
王雪梅4.7. 被忽視的朝聖者:法顯遊記在佛學研究中的應用
寧凡夫(Max Deeg)五.附錄
5.1. 法顯研究文獻目錄 (1833-2019)