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作者: 篠原亨一 (SHINOHARA Kōichi )

译者: 刘学军
平装 ISBN 978-981-18-2283-4

精装 ISBN 978-981-18-2282-7

出版日期: 2021-08-10
页数: 558


    Shinohara, Kōichi (trans. Liu Xuejun 劉學軍). Zhouyu Shengxiang he Mantuluo: Mijiao yishi yanbian yanjiu 咒語、聖像和曼荼羅——密教儀式衍變研究 [Spells, Images, and Maṇḍalas: Tracing the Evolution of Esoteric Buddhist Rituals]. Hualin Foxue Yicong 華林佛學譯叢 [Hualin Translation Series on Buddhist Studies] I, 2021.


    This book is a Chinese translation of Kōichi Shinohara’s Spells, Images, and Maṇḍalas, a masterpiece of Esoteric Buddhist studies. Kōichi, in this great work, traces the evolution of Esoteric Buddhist rituals from the simple recitation of spells in the fifth century to complex systems involving image worship, mandala initiation, and visualization practices in the ninth century. He presents an important new reading of a seventh-century Chinese text called the Collected Dhāraṇī Sutras, which shows how earlier rituals for specific deities were synthesized into a general Esoteric initiation ceremony and how, for the first time, the notion of an Esoteric Buddhist pantheon emerged.


    In the Collected Dhāraṇī Sutras, rituals for specific deities were typically performed around images of the deities, yet Esoteric Buddhist rituals in earlier sources involved the recitation of spells rather than the use of images. The first part of this study explores how such simpler rituals came to be associated with the images of specific deities and ultimately gave rise to the general Esoteric initiation ceremony described in the crucial example of the All-Gathering mandala ritual in the Collected Dhāraṇī Sutras. The visualization practices so important to later Esoteric Buddhist rituals were absent from this ceremony, and their introduction would fundamentally change Esoteric Buddhist practice.


    This study examines the translations of dhāraṇī sutras made by Bodhiruci in the early eighth century and later Esoteric texts, such as Yixing’s commentary on the Mahavairocana sutra and Amoghavajra’s ritual manuals, to show how the incorporation of visualization greatly enriched Esoteric rituals and helped develop elaborate iconographies for deities. Over time, the ritual function of images became less certain, and the emphasis shifted toward visualization. This study clarifies the complex relationship between images and ritual, changing how we perceive Esoteric Buddhist art as well as ritual.




    Preface to Chinese version





    第一部分   三種儀式臺本

    第一章   陀羅尼集中的咒語念誦
    第二章   十一面觀世音形像儀式
    第三章   曼荼羅灌頂儀式
    第四章   普集會壇法的形成


    第二部分 《陀羅尼經》的衍變和觀想的引入

    第五章   陀羅尼經及其在菩提流支所譯密教經典中的衍變
    第六章   “不空躊索”傳統


    第三部分   走向新綜合:“成熟” 觀想儀式

    第七章   一行《大日經疏》:製造大曼荼羅
    第八章   不空的各種儀軌





  • 赞语

    本书将改观学界目前关于晚期大乘佛教陀罗尼经典与密教关系的论述。在这样一个疑窦丛生又难以形成共识的研究领域,筱原亨一倾力并完成了必要的文本细节爬梳工作。以此为基础,他对密教形像使用和观想行法出现的发展过程,做出了富于贯通性的论述。 ——欧策理(Charles D. ORZECH; 科尔比学院)


    《咒语、圣像和曼荼罗》是第一部关于早期密教的研究著作。这项研究充分利用了大量的汉文佛经文献,它们通常比现存的梵文和藏文文献早好几个世纪。筱原氏通过严谨的研究,重建了密教的衍变过程——从最初简单的咒语念诵,到更为复杂的形像崇拜,最后是曼荼罗观想仪式。该书对佛教仪式传统的发展衍变作出了具有开创意义的描述。 ——夏复(Robert SHARF; 加州大学柏克莱分校)


    筱原氏立足于多种汉文文献,对大乘佛教与早期密教之间的移易的研究,深入细致。阐明了密教仪式实践的发展过程,这其中包括形像崇拜、观想以及曼荼罗的使用等。他对各种密教仪式细密入微的讨论,让我们生动地了解到这些仪式当初被开展时所可能具有的样貌。 ——古龙诺(Paul GRONER;弗吉尼亚大学)


    筱原氏此一著作立意深刻、见解独到、深具开创性,为密教仪式的研究树立了一座“里程碑”。作者有很多重要的发明,其中有关文本累积、仪式理论,以及公元五至九世纪密教仪式发展中形像和观想的角色衍变等的创见,都令人感到信服。作者之淹博,浸透于该书的每一页面、每一句清晰准确的语言表达。 《咒语、圣像和曼荼罗》注定将成为密教仪式研究方面的扛鼎之作。 ——罗柏松(James ROBSON;哈佛大学)



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